Monday, June 13, 2016

December Decision 2005

After Christmas in December '05 I flew to Washington DC to join my son, Michael and his wife Xiao Jing while she attended a conference. I hadn't been there since touring with my high school graduating class in 1954.
It was a whirlwind, chilly memorial site packed visit that ended with dinner on the last day in Chinatown. Xiao Jing, Michael & I walked from one end of the town to the other peering into the windows of each restaurant and pacing outside while Xiao Jing dashed inside each to asses its cleanliness, menu and service. Finally having gone down one side of the street and then the other we discussed her choice. As we began our walk to the restaurant someone called, "Hey! Wait for us!" My daughter Paula and her husband Scott had flown from North Carolina with their children, Haley, age 8 and Max age 5 for a holiday surprise! We had a grand time retouring Chinatown with them. To this day they remember XiaoJing as their personal guide.

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